you're destined to become the
master tea maker

forage for ingredients,
manage your shop,
and of course, make tea.

a game about a lot of things, but mainly tea

Tails & Tea is a cozy single-player 3D game that follows a novice tea maker named Jill in her journey to open a tea shop and serve the lively customers of her new town. Through foraging for ingredients, bruising new tea blends, and interacting with customers, Jill works to complete her magical recipe book towards her goal of meeting another tea-loving jackalope just like her. Which of course is how she came up with the perfect name for a tea shop: Flaggerdoot’s, after a herd of jackalopes.

open-world foraging

Venture outside the tea shop into the Wilderness to forage for ingredients ranging from the classic tea leaves and bergamot to chai ingredients like cardamom and cloves.

get to know your customers

Each of the customers have their own personal storyline and problem that can only be solved by the perfect cup of tea!

unique puzzles

Solve a unique puzzle type themed around bruising, a crucial step in the tea making process that turns tea leaves and other ingredients into the steepable blends you know and love.

hi! we're Pocket Daisy

We're a passionate group of big-idea-havers who ended up making a game together. We also really like tea.

Abbey Neville:
Environment & UI

Jessica Zhang:
Characters & UI

Naia Kamawar-MacLeod:

Msgana Teku: 
Environment & Rendering

special thanks

Thank you to Josh from teastore in Ottawa for teaching us all the things about tea.